- Como Instalar Kmspico Office 2019 Kuyhaa
- Como Instalar Microsoft Office 2019
- Como Instalar Office 2019
No one likes to live with boundaries especially when you are a tech lover. Yes, we understand that when limits are defined in day to day activities, living becomes hectic as well as problematic for many. Everyone has to deal with lots of software's and applications daily but availing the premium version without any charge is not so easy.
Cscript ospp.vbs /setprt:1688 cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:6MWKP nul cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP cscript ospp.vbs /sethst:kms8.msguides.com cscript ospp.vbs /act. Office 2013-2019 C2R Install v6.8 Office Uninstall v1.8.1 PIDKey Lite v1.63.7 RU EN and more UniCrypt 2016 v2.2 W10 Digital Activation Program v1.3.7 Portable. Novedades: KMSoffline v2.1.3 RU EN Office 2013-2019 C2R Install v6.8 PIDKey Lite v1.63.7 RU EN and more.
With the advancement in technology, use of Windows and Office also gained hyped in offices, educational institutions and in other fields of life but it is not easy for students or office workers to use the paid or full version of MS products. So, using Windows and MS Office for free with all of its features, KMSpico comes handy. The amazing activator works perfectly for Windows OS including Vista, 7, 10, 8 and works for all MS products. Get to know more about how to use official KMSpico?
Download KMSpico Activator
- Turn off Defender before Install KMS.
- Download it.
- Install it.
- Restart PC.
- Done
What is KMSpico?
KMSpico is the pirated software that assists in validating Windows and MS Office. You might be amazed to know that KMS technology is introduced for mutual gain by Microsoft Company or you can say that license keys are released in the form of activator for public use. The activator is introduced by Daz developer who resolved the issue to activate Windows and Office. It is not illicit to use KMSpico because it does not infringe Microsoft law. KMSpico is actually like a local server that enables every machine to use great KMS technology.
Is it unsafe to use KMSpico?
KMSpico is a pirated application which makes it illegal to use but it is not unsafe to use it. It is a virus-free Key Management System released by Microsoft for public use but according to experts users put their computers at risk by making it more vulnerable to malware or virus. However, the reason behind vulnerability is to disable the antivirus so the tool works. Hence, there is no reliable information provided on how KMSpico works. The system tool is trustworthy and does not have any attached cyber threats which make it safe to use.
How KMSpico works?
KMS stands for Key Management Service which is a technology used to activate MS Office and Windows. Mostly all network administrators try to reach out to KMS servers and activate required services. Many hacking members are offering their services by replacing the existing key with new licensed key and allow the services to connect with KMS services which are an illegal activity. The program works seamlessly on any PC and must not need any renewal.
After the installation open the KMSpico application. Click on activate button in red color. With just one click you will activate Microsoft Office and Windows installed on your PC.
KMSpico System support
Como Instalar Kmspico Office 2019 Kuyhaa
KMSpico is available with its latest version online for free. Its latest version supports Windows 10 and Office 2016 to activate it for free forever. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are also the supported version of Windows while activator activates Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, and Office 2016 and even now it supports Office 365 as well.
So, if any of your installed Microsoft Product is about to expire, it is best to activate it with KMSpico. Install it instantly. It is advised to install the latest Microsoft .NET framework on the system to run KMSpico 11.0.0.
Features of using KMSpico
After the installation of KMSpico, many different executions take place inside the system. These executions are manipulated to overcome the security measures of the operating system. But it's definitely a relief that the software does not corrupt the system. Following are the features of an activated KMSpico.
- During the installation, the tool will back up all license information of the operating system which can be rollback anytime when required. So do not worry about a corrupt system.
- KMSpico locates the product activation root and installs a virtual certificate. The process does not involve any sort of network activity; there is no need to connect your system to the internet.
- KMS Local Server registers all specified protocols by modifying Registry Keys to Windows System Registry and creates a System Restore Point.
- It is wise to clean all the unused items or applications from the system and the rest magic will be done by KMSpico.
- With KMSpico, Windows and all MS Office products will be activated in just one click.
- Users will get lifelong activation until unless a new Windows or Office version is installed.
- Users with little or no technical knowledge do not have to worry because the software does not have any steps to follow. The installation is done with just a click.
- KMSpico is available in many different languages and is entirely free of cost. There are no hidden charges for activation neither tool needs network connectivity to operate.
Enjoy using KMSpico
Every KMSpico is a successful, safe and versatile tool that is used to activate all supported versions of Office and Windows. There is no doubt that the software is intuitive to use and one of the most popular activators available online for free. It uses a technology which activates the software in large quantity. The software KMSpico activates the Windows and Microsoft Office by replacing the volume license key of Windows. The activator is entirely free and does not contain any attached malware. 3ds to cia simple converter. So if you have downloaded KMSpico latest version, it is best to install it quickly. Make sure to install the version that goes best with your PC specifications.
- Remember that KMSpico might affect the registry files of your PC so it will be detected by the Virus Protection application installed in your PC. Do not worry because you can install KMSpico by temporarily disabling the Windows Defender or Virus Guard installed on the system.
- KMSpico activator is an installer which will register your Windows and Office on the PC and it runs in just 2 seconds.
- Once the application is installed on your PC, click on the buttons to activate all supported programs.
- A pop up will inform the user-written Successfully Activated. You can also check for registration keys on both Office and Windows which will show Product is activated.
Wrapping up
KMSpico activator is a good tool to activate the software. It is versatile and allows activating Windows so that the user can avail all sorts of features. it is easy to use and there are no difficult steps to follow to activate the Windows and Office. The activator is safe from any corrupt or virus files allowing a user to install and activate products safely. Clam antivirus mac. The interface of KMSpico is intuitive and user-friendly by making it 100% secure.
Remember you will find many websites claiming to have official KMSpico but unfortunately end up installing a virus into the system. So be wise before downloading or look for a community forum for a safe download.
The latest version of KMSpico is uniquely designed to assist all users to overcome any difficulty faced to activate Office and Windows. With the activator, you will get a chance to utilize all features of Windows without any limitations. Yes, we understand that in different forums, experts do not recommend downloading and installing the software but it is fine to activate the software products via KMSpico.
-->*Se aplica a: _ _Volume versiones con licencia de Office 2019 y Office 2016, incluidos Project y Visio *.Applies to: _ _Volume licensed versions of Office 2019 and Office 2016, including Project and Visio
Todas las versiones con licencia por volumen de Office, incluidos Project y Visio, tienen preinstalada una clave de licencia por volumen genérica (GVLK).All volume licensed versions of Office, including Project and Visio, have a Generic Volume License Key (GVLK) preinstalled.GVLKs compatibilidad con el servicio de administración de claves (KMS) y la activación basada en Active Directory.GVLKs support both Key Management Service (KMS) and Active Directory-based activation.En el equipo host KMS configurado para admitir la activación por volumen de Office, instale y habilite solo una clave de host KMS para activar todas las versiones con licencia por volumen de Office.On the KMS host computer configured to support volume activation of Office, you install and enable only one KMS host key to activate all volume licensed versions of Office.
Como Instalar Microsoft Office 2019
Si el equipo host KMS está disponible y configurado correctamente, la activación de Office se produce de forma transparente para el usuario.If the KMS host computer is available and properly configured, activation of Office occurs transparently to the user.Office se activa la primera vez que se ejecuta, siempre que haya habido al menos cuatro solicitudes de activación anteriores en el equipo host de KMS.Office is activated the first time it runs, provided that there have been at least four previous activation requests to the KMS host computer.Esto se debe a que el equipo host KMS necesita al menos cinco solicitudes antes de empezar a activar clientes.This is because the KMS host computer requires at least five requests before it begins activating clients.
No tiene que hacer nada más para habilitar la activación de Office por KMS.You don't have to do anything else to enable activation of Office by KMS.Los clientes de KMS pueden ubicar automáticamente un equipo host KMS consultando DNS para los registros de recursos de servicio (SRV) (RR) que publican el servicio KMS.KMS clients can locate a KMS host computer automatically by querying DNS for service (SRV) resource records (RRs) that publish the KMS service.Para obtener más información, vea cómo se usa DNS para buscar un equipo host kms.For more information, see How DNS is used to find a KMS host computer.
Si el entorno de red no usa los RR SRV, puede asignar manualmente un cliente de KMS para que use un equipo host KMS específico configurando la clave del registro HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE software de Microsoft OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform en el cliente de kms.If the network environment does not use SRV RRs, you can manually assign a KMS client to use a specific KMS host computer by configuring the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftOfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform registry key on the KMS client.El nombre del equipo host KMS se especifica mediante KeyManagementServiceName (REG_SZ) y KeyManagementServicePort (REG_SZ) especifica el puerto.The KMS host computer name is specified by KeyManagementServiceName (REG_SZ), and the port is specified by KeyManagementServicePort (REG_SZ).El puerto predeterminado es 1688.The default port is 1688.Estas claves del registro también se pueden establecer mediante ospp.vbs script.These registry keys can also be set through by using ospp.vbs script.Para obtener más información sobre el script de ospp.vbs, consulte herramientas para administrar la activación por volumen de Office.For more information about the ospp.vbs script, see Tools to manage volume activation of Office.
Configurar el almacenamiento en caché del host KMSConfigure KMS host caching
Puede configurar si el último equipo host de KMS usado o no se ha guardado en la caché del cliente de KMS.You can configure whether or not the last used KMS host computer is saved to the cache on the KMS client.Si el equipo host KMS no se almacena en caché, el cliente KMS consultará el servicio DNS cada vez que se intente la activación.If the KMS host computer is not cached, the KMS client will query DNS every time that activation is attempted.Esto significa que se atenderán los parámetros de prioridad y peso establecidos para equipos host KMS.This means that the priority and weight parameters set for KMS host computers will be honored.Si el equipo host de KMS se almacena en caché, el cliente de KMS no consultará a DNS y, en su lugar, intentará ponerse en contacto con el equipo host KMS almacenado en caché que último dio lugar a una activación correcta.If the KMS host computer is cached, the KMS client won't query DNS and instead will attempt to contact the cached KMS host computer that last resulted in successful activation.
Para configurar el almacenamiento en caché de host de KMS, puede usar el script de ospp.vbs.To configure KMS host caching, you can use the ospp.vbs script.Para obtener más información sobre el script de ospp.vbs, consulte herramientas para administrar la activación por volumen de Office.For more information about the ospp.vbs script, see Tools to manage volume activation of Office.
Para configurar el almacenamiento en caché del host de KMS, abra un símbolo del sistema con privilegios elevados en el equipo cliente de KMS y vaya a la carpeta programas de Programamicrosoft OfficeOffice16.To configure KMS host caching, open an elevated command prompt on the KMS client computer and go to the Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice16 folder.Si instaló la versión de 32 bits de Office en un sistema operativo de 64 bits, vaya a la carpeta de Archivos de programa (x86) Microsoft OfficeOffice16.If you installed the 32-bit version of Office on a 64-bit operating system, go to the Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice16 folder.
Para deshabilitar el almacenamiento en caché del host de kms, escriba el siguiente comando y, a continuación, presione ENTRAR:To disable KMS host caching, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
Para Habilitar el almacenamiento en caché del host de kms, escriba el siguiente comando y, a continuación, presione ENTRAR:To enable KMS host caching, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
Comprobar el estado de la licencia de OfficeCheck the license status of Office
En la siguiente tabla se describe el estado de la licencia de la oficina con respecto a la activación.The following table describes the license state of the Office with respect to activation.
Estado de la licenciaLicense state | DescripciónDescription |
DisponenLicensed | De forma predeterminada, el cliente de KMS solicita la activación del equipo host de KMS una vez cada siete días.By default, the KMS client requests activation with the KMS host computer one time every seven days.(El número de días es configurable). Este diseño permite el máximo tiempo posible para que el cliente esté en el estado con licencia.(The number of days is configurable.) This design allows the maximum possible time for the client to be in the licensed state. Una vez que el cliente se ha activado correctamente, permanece en el estado de licencia por 180 días.After the client is successfully activated, it remains in the licensed state for 180 days.Cuando se encuentra en estado con licencia, los usuarios no ven ningún cuadro de diálogo de notificaciones pidiéndoles que activen el cliente.When in the licensed state, users do not see any notification dialog boxes prompting them to activate the client.Después de 180 días, se reanuda el proceso de intento de activación.After 180 days, the activation attempt process resumes.Si la activación se realiza correctamente, toda la experiencia de activación es transparente para el usuario.If activation is continually successful, the whole activation experience is transparent to the user. |
Fuera de la toleranciaOut-of-tolerance | Si la activación no se realiza durante el período de 180 días, Office entra en el estado fuera de la tolerancia durante 30 días.If activation does not occur during the 180-day period, Office goes into the out-of-tolerance state for 30 days.Los usuarios verán después las notificaciones que solicitan activación.Users then see notifications that request activation. |
Notificación sin licenciaUnlicensed notification | Si la activación no se realiza durante el estado fuera de la tolerancia, Office entra en el estado de notificación sin licencia.If activation does not occur during the out-of-tolerance state, Office goes into the unlicensed notification state.Los usuarios ven las notificaciones que solicitan activación y una barra de título roja.Users then see notifications that request activation and a red title bar. |
Para configurar el almacenamiento en caché del host de KMS, abra un símbolo del sistema con privilegios elevados en el equipo cliente de KMS y vaya a la carpeta programas de Programamicrosoft OfficeOffice16.To configure KMS host caching, open an elevated command prompt on the KMS client computer and go to the Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice16 folder.Si instaló la versión de 32 bits de Office en un sistema operativo de 64 bits, vaya a la carpeta de Archivos de programa (x86) Microsoft OfficeOffice16.If you installed the 32-bit version of Office on a 64-bit operating system, go to the Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice16 folder.
Para deshabilitar el almacenamiento en caché del host de kms, escriba el siguiente comando y, a continuación, presione ENTRAR:To disable KMS host caching, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
Para Habilitar el almacenamiento en caché del host de kms, escriba el siguiente comando y, a continuación, presione ENTRAR:To enable KMS host caching, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
Comprobar el estado de la licencia de OfficeCheck the license status of Office
En la siguiente tabla se describe el estado de la licencia de la oficina con respecto a la activación.The following table describes the license state of the Office with respect to activation.
Estado de la licenciaLicense state | DescripciónDescription |
DisponenLicensed | De forma predeterminada, el cliente de KMS solicita la activación del equipo host de KMS una vez cada siete días.By default, the KMS client requests activation with the KMS host computer one time every seven days.(El número de días es configurable). Este diseño permite el máximo tiempo posible para que el cliente esté en el estado con licencia.(The number of days is configurable.) This design allows the maximum possible time for the client to be in the licensed state. Una vez que el cliente se ha activado correctamente, permanece en el estado de licencia por 180 días.After the client is successfully activated, it remains in the licensed state for 180 days.Cuando se encuentra en estado con licencia, los usuarios no ven ningún cuadro de diálogo de notificaciones pidiéndoles que activen el cliente.When in the licensed state, users do not see any notification dialog boxes prompting them to activate the client.Después de 180 días, se reanuda el proceso de intento de activación.After 180 days, the activation attempt process resumes.Si la activación se realiza correctamente, toda la experiencia de activación es transparente para el usuario.If activation is continually successful, the whole activation experience is transparent to the user. |
Fuera de la toleranciaOut-of-tolerance | Si la activación no se realiza durante el período de 180 días, Office entra en el estado fuera de la tolerancia durante 30 días.If activation does not occur during the 180-day period, Office goes into the out-of-tolerance state for 30 days.Los usuarios verán después las notificaciones que solicitan activación.Users then see notifications that request activation. |
Notificación sin licenciaUnlicensed notification | Si la activación no se realiza durante el estado fuera de la tolerancia, Office entra en el estado de notificación sin licencia.If activation does not occur during the out-of-tolerance state, Office goes into the unlicensed notification state.Los usuarios ven las notificaciones que solicitan activación y una barra de título roja.Users then see notifications that request activation and a red title bar. |
Use el script de ospp.vbs con la opción /dstatusall para comprobar el estado de la licencia para todos los clientes de Office.You use the ospp.vbs script with the /dstatusall option to check the license state for all Office clients.Use la opción /dstatus para comprobar el estado del cliente local.Use the /dstatus option to check the status of the local client.Para obtener más información sobre cómo usar el script de ospp.vbs, consulte herramientas para administrar la activación por volumen de Office.For more information about using the ospp.vbs script, see Tools to manage volume activation of Office.